Work on your business with the Stretch Yourself Challenge
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Work on your business with Stretch Yourself Challenge

If you are a business owner you understand the difference between working in your business vs. working on your business. If you are heavily focused on activities which are income-producing in the short term (like client work) you may not be investing enough time in activities which will bring you more business with less effort over time. 

There are four main obstacles to investing time on your business:

  1. In some cases, business owners just don’t know what to do or how to do it. 
  2. Sometimes there are so many different things that would benefit the business it is hard to choose.
  3. Solopreneurs can feel, well, solo. Alone. There often is no one to bounce ideas off of, or give you advice. In networking groups we often are looking for clients, not a peer group. We want to appear like we have it all together, not like we need advice. 
  4. Entrepreneurs are just plain busy all the time and it is hard to set aside time. 
  5. A lot of times, when we work on the business, it goes unnoticed for awhile, leading to a feeling of burnout instead of the exhilaration of accomplishment. Remember, these are often medium-to-long term investments which might not create measurable results for awhile. 

What is the solution for overcoming these obstacles? 

The Stretch Yourself Content Marketing Challenge, presented by Kelly McCausey of Love People Make Money (

For 11 years now, Ms. McCausey has hosted the challenge, which runs the month of September. Participants receive a hefty (152-page in 2020) guidebook to a varied and ever-growing selection of challenges, each of which are investments in medium-to-long term business growth. The book provides detailed step-by-step instructions for tackling each challenge. 

Challenges have points associated with them. Participants earn individual points, as well as points for their team. There are prizes too. Suddenly, working on the business got a lot more fun and is more likely to move up a few spots on the day’s to-do list.

What about feelings of indecision, lack of supportive peers who can give advice, and loneliness and isolation? Participants in the Stretch Yourself Challenge receive complimentary entry into the Love People and Make Money community forum. Inside the forum members ask and answer questions, give advice, and share accomplishments. 

They also can arrange to meet in groups of threes (Triads) for a coaching experience where each in the threesome can have a turn at being coached and coaching others through issues they are having with the challenge or in their business in general. Participation in Triads also earn points, as well as attending twice-weekly meetings, posting in the forum, and completion of ‘extra credit’ opportunities. 

The “live” portion of the 2020 Stretch Yourself Challenge is closed, but if you are willing to forgo the weekly meetings, points, and prizes, you may take on the Stretch Yourself Challenge self-study at any time during the year. For the entry fee of $57, self-studiers receive the same Stretch Yourself Content Marketing Challenge book and gain entry into the LPAMM community, where they can receive and offer support, participate in Triad coaching experiences, and share and celebrate wins with other members. 

So is the Stretch Yourself Challenge worth the trouble? And is it a real stretch, as in a ‘feel the burn’ but do it anyway type of exertion? I recommend the Stretch Yourself Challenge because it has motivated me to spend a lot more time on content marketing activities for my business this month than usual, projects which I am excited about and know will really pay off. I have also gotten out of my comfort zone by meeting with many new people in Triad coaching experiences. The month is only half over! I am shooting for at least a finisher prize, and may earn enough points for a coaching call with Kelly herself. 

The nice thing about a self-directed challenge, though, is that you can make it as crazily ambitious and uncomfortable or as balanced and doable as you like. You still get the same community of peers ready to cheer and console you as you do that all-important work on your business. You get to keep the book and use it all year long to make those important content marketing investments in your business. 

To learn more about the Stretch Yourself Challenge, please click here

Please note: This post contains affiliate links.

23 thoughts on “Work on your business with Stretch Yourself Challenge”

  1. I dig the graphic you made for your post Amy!

    Thanks for sharing your experience – you’re helping other people see how they can leverage the training and the community ❤

  2. Amy,

    You hit so many great points in this post, especially the one about working on clients’ work first.

    I also loved what you said about being really ambitious in the challenge, or being more balanced. I think I started out thinking I would be the latter, but I seem to be really kicking it up and being more ambitious! 🙂

  3. Amy, glad you surfaced the discussion between working in your business and on your business. I really agree with you that the SYC helps you to work on your business. It’s so true we don’t take or make the time to do this because we’re so busy working in our businesses. This pause is so helpful, although it’s one of the busiest pauses I’ve ever experienced. It was great to be in a triad with you and I wish you success as you work towards completing the challenge! To your success!

  4. You hit it on the head, Amy! As solopreneurs we can’t go it alone, we need community too and this challenge brings us much of that. And absolutely helps us work ON our businesses so that we can work in it, with our clients and customers.

  5. I have been in business for the 17 years and I have neglected working on my business. I am so glad you talked about that. As business owners sometimes we do need help with that. And, I have learned that I can’t do it alone.

  6. Oh man, the whole working ON vs IN your business – hits the nail on the head! I still work on and not in my biz a lot – which is why I love the SYC because it’s my time to focus on working in my biz. Enjoy having you a part of the challenge and watching you stretch and grow!

  7. I so agree with:
    “The nice thing about a self-directed challenge, though, is that you can make it as crazily ambitious and uncomfortable or as balanced and doable as you like.”
    You have described the SYC perfectly. Having ongoing access to the challenge guide and supportive community is priceless.

  8. I loved when you said this about the Stretch Yourself Challenge, “The nice thing about a self-directed challenge, though, is that you can make it as crazily ambitious and uncomfortable or as balanced and doable as you like. You still get the same community of peers ready to cheer and console you as you do that all-important work on your business.”

    The Stretch Yourself Challenge is a ‘choose your own adventure’ and you do get to push as much as you want or need to. No one makes you do anything. It all comes from within. And about the community . . . so spot on. What an incredible group of stretchers that help you throughout the challenge. Everyone is rooting for each other and helping one another through this month. Incredible!

    Keep stretching and finish strong!

  9. You’re on point about the obstacles to investing on one’s business and the Stretch Challenge sure is an antidote! Thanks for threshing this out in your post and presenting the obstacles in a way that’s easy to get.

  10. Oh wow, this: “If you are heavily focused on activities which are income-producing in the short term (like client work) you may not be investing enough time in activities which will bring you more business with less effort over time. ”

    That couldn’t be more true for me! It’s exactly why I decided to put my focus for this year’s challenge on those activities that will pay off in the long term.

  11. Hi Amy! I just hopped over to your world and I am sooo glad! I am so thankful that you are doing the SYC this year. I loved getting to Triad with you. I cannot wait to see all that you accomplish this month. I am cheering you on! 🙂

  12. As solo business owners, it is so helpful to be able to meet (even virtually) other business owners, especially when working online. Kudos for taking so much action in your own business this month, knowing how much it will benefit you in the long run.

  13. Congratulations on your achievement, thus far, in the challenge. Your achievements are going to have a rippling effect, on your business and life, for years to come.
    I was drawn to “The Stretch Yourself Challenge is a ‘choose your own adventure’ and you do get to push as much as you want or need to.”
    It affirmed my belief that we all need to define success for ourselves. Continued success with the challenge.

  14. I love that you talked about the difference between working In your business and On your business. Often times we solopreneurs get stuck procrasti-planning and feeling lonely… not always focused on what we should be doing.
    I’m so glad we met during this 2020 SYC and even had the opportunity to Triad together! You have been inspirational with what you are achieving!

  15. Amy, you hit the nail on the head with the four obstacles you described. Being a solo
    entrepreneur is a real juggling act and it can be difficult to keep everything moving without dropping something.

    Congratulations on your progress in the challenge so far!

  16. Absolutely, being a Solopreneur can feel pretty lonely at times. You did such a terrific job showing us how even during the self study of the SYC, we won’t be alone, because of the community we have access to along with it.

  17. I’m really feeling that #5 burnout you talked about happening. I think I was there this year before the challenge started and this helped fire me up to try some new things and push old things past normal boundaries.

    Looking forward to seeing all you accomplish!

  18. I was just talking to someone about the difference between working IN my business and working ON my business. I certainly tend to put my clients first.

    SYC helps me schedule the time for me to work ON my business… and what a great feeling it is! There is so much to do and yet with the community’s help, assistance, and guidance, the overwhelm diminishes considerably and I find myself getting things accomplished! Yeah me! And Yeah to everyone else in the challenge that is determined to complete it.

  19. I love your point up top about how, as entrepreneurs, we often do work that goes unnoticed for awhile. I hadn’t thought about how the SYC challenge helps us get a more immediate boost! Gotta admit I like a little cheerleading. 🙂

  20. Glad to hear you’re reaching your goals and feeling excited about it, Amy! Yes, it is hard for businesses, especially those trying to attract their audience online, to get started or even know how to start. I’m glad the challenge helps get us going!

  21. Pingback: What Is It Like To Stretch In Community? – Love People + Make Money

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