The four facets of building your authority to grow your business
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The four facets of building your authority to grow your business

In order to sell our services and our services to others, B2B or B2C, we need to present our brand and ourselves with authority. Our clients must have confidence in our abilities to deliver the results we have promised. We don’t need to be the smartest and ablest providers on the planet. Most clients wouldn’t be able to afford our services if we were. We do need to be able to competently produce the services and products as promised in a timely and professional manner.

The power of mindset

Some of our authority comes from within. As assembly-line pioneer Henry Ford said, “Whether you believe you can, or believe you can’t, you’re right.” Mindset can be a major factor in convincing our prospects that we are the right ones to help them achieve the results they are seeking.

The power of a professional presentation

How you present yourself matters. Whether you are just starting out or already on your way, your online presence can make a big difference to your authority.


Does your website convey what your prospects can expect to gain by working with you? Your prospect is a hero of their own journey, and if they come across your site, it is because they need the help of a competent guide to get them where they want to go. They need more than services. They need a plan and your expertise. Does your site give them confidence that you are the right choice?

Social media

Even if you diligently protect your online reputation and watch your permissions like a hawk, it is difficult to completely separate personal from professional profiles. To paraphrase a popular quotation, who we are anywhere is who we are everywhere. If someone who had no prior personal knowledge of us were to look for us online, how would we show up? As a person of integrity? As emotionally unstable? As a radical? We are all complex individuals who are worth the time to get to know, but when potential clients are looking to get things done, first impressions matter a lot.

Initial client calls

Almost all of us get nervous when talking to new people, and doubly so when it is a new prospect. With practice, you can and will get better. One of the keys to presenting yourself professionally on client calls is preparation. The more you prepare ahead of time, the better the result. Professionals don’t ‘wing it’ and hope for the best.


The way you prepare and present your proposals can position you and your business as the right choice and make closing the deal much easier. Most of the art of proposal creation has to do with taking the time to listen and ask the right questions to completely understand what the prospect is wanting from your engagement. They may not really know themselves, but when they gain clarity as a result of your thoughtful questions, you will shine. [If you are interested in learning more about creating winning proposals, check out my Proposals 101 course here.]

Follow up

Every time you keep delivering what you promised in a professional manner with excellence you build your authority. Be honest, be transparent, communicate effectively, and your reputation will grow.

The power of what you know

When people engage with us to provide services and products, they expect us to have a certain level of expertise in that area. By staying up to date with our industry and the business world as a whole, we can use that knowledge either directly or indirectly to establish our authority.

If we are content creators, we need to stay up to date on the latest SEO factors, for example. If we are web or app developers, our knowledge of the latest code libraries and security vulnerabilities is important. We also need to know what is going on with our potential clients’ industries and with the world as a whole. Speaking intelligently about all things boosts our credibility. We can demonstrate that knowledge and a philosophy of lifelong learning, through content we post on our website and social media.

The power of who you know

Networking with people one on one is usually the most successful way to land a new client. Some people enjoy meeting new people in professional settings such as conferences or networking events. Others find these events draining at best and scary at worst. Learning to master networking is an important skill which can be developed and improved over time. Online connections are important too. Many prospect for new clients successfully through LinkedIn.

Take time to perform an “authority audit” on your business and see where there may be gaps. Schedule time on your calendar to address areas where you can improve. This isn’t a “once and done” activity. Keep working on building your authority and your business presence and you will establish your authority and attract new clients more easily over time.

Four facets of building authority
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