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Clarify and Electrify your Goals to Go Farther Faster

It’s the end of an old quarter, and the start of a new one. Time to set some goals! Goals give direction to our activity and keep us moving on track. Looking back at progress we have made is motivating and rewarding. Let’s consider a couple of factors, duration and direction, for determining our goals. Once we have identified goals, we need to clarify and electrify.

The Power of the Quarter

How far out should we set goals? Annual is out, quarterly is in. Books like “The 12-Week Year” by Brian P. Moran and “Traction: Get a Grip on your Business” by Gino Wickman have sparked a quarterly goal-setting revolution. We all know how successful we are at keeping New Year’s resolutions. (Not very.) We keep up the enthusiasm for a week or two, and then revert back to old ways and habits. When goals are set quarterly, broken up into monthly tasks, and scheduled on the calendar, we are more likely to reach them. Select measurable goals and track progress, add accountability if desired, and success is even more assured.

Which goals?

The problem can remain, however, of which goals to pursue. The more things we are trying to accomplish in a given amount of time, the less time we can devote to each one. We may be able to bring all of the goals to fruition after enough elapsed time, but the longer it takes, the greater the chances are that the goals we were going after aren’t relevant or exciting to us anymore. Preferences and priorities change, and underlying assumptions about the viability of our business and that of our clients can change. It’s better to make real progress towards fewer goals than baby steps towards many.

Clarify your goals

Every so often, it makes sense to take the time for a goals reset. If you feel like you are running in place, or chasing the wrong dream…if shiny new dreams make yours look dull and dreary, take time out to revise and recommit to your goals. Larger companies may commit to three-year or five-year plans. Steering a larger ship is more difficult and it takes more time to change course. Solopreneurs have the luxury of changing their minds at the drop of a hat, but that isn’t wise. If you can’t clarify and commit, at least for a quarter, you risk not making any progress and merely floating in circles. Select goals that will make the biggest impact. When that potential impact is exciting, you know you have a good goal.

Plan out how you’ll get there

You may prefer spontaneity to planning, but the way to get goals accomplished is to break big goals into smaller steps, and those steps into even shorter tasks. When everything is broken apart and on the calendar, then you just need to work the plan. Makes sense, right? The only thing is that for many people, once the to-do list is all laid out the energy, the will to do the work, has evaporated. Why is that? Maybe it is just general contrariness. If you have the power to set a goal, you can easily unset it. If you have goals that you really want to reach, you can push past these self-sabotaging thoughts and find ways to get the work done.

When you have set the right goals, you need to electrify them

Adding electricity, or energy to your goals will make them pop. Commit to them and devote effort to them, but not just average effort. Devote your best, most “on” hours of the day at least a few days per week. Get help from a coach or accountability partner, or find a Facebook group which is aligned with your business. Some people find that telling the world about their goals helps them to follow through, while others prefer to keep their goals private and their energy focused on their own vision of the outcome without others’ reactions and opinions thrown into the mix. Do whatever works for you.

Take the 14-Day Goal Setting Challenge

Are you interested in devoting a short time each day for two weeks to setting goals, planning what to work on, and commitment to your plan? This 14-day series will walk you through the steps to selecting goals and bringing them to fruition. Each day of the challenge you will receive an email with a short lesson and assignment. You’ll be guided through the action steps you’ll need to see results towards the goals that mean the most to you. You’ll learn strategies for powering through setbacks and keep motivated.

This FREE challenge is open for a limited time only. For more information, click the button below.

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